
Albanian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George

Place: Albanian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George
Address: 523 East Broadway
Neighborhood: South Boston

On September 20, 2012, I went to the Albanian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George. This cathedral is a very important place of worship to the Albanian community in the Boston area.
You can visit the Albanian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George by riding bus routes 5, 9 and 10 to Perkins Square.

"The first Albanian Orthodox church in the United States was founded in 1908 by Archbishop Fan S. Noli. In 1950, the church acquired this edifice, the former Hawes Unitarian Church, named for John Hawes, founder of one of South Boston's oldest religious groups.  Samuel J. F. Thayer designed the High Victorian Gothic structure in 1872. The exquisite icons and hand-carved altar screen of the interior typify Byzantine sacred art in Albania."

To learn more about the Albanian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint George: