
L Street Bathhouse

Place: L Street Bathhouse
Address: 1663 Columbia Road
Neighborhood: South Boston

As I inspected South Boston on September 21, 2012, I ventured down to the Bay View. Bus 11, and its streetcar predecessor, is sometimes referred to as the Bay View (or Bayview) line because it travels along East Eighth Street and Farragut Road, offering views of Pleasure Bay and Carson Beach.

Along the harbor on William Day Boulevard is a historic bathhouse edifice called the L Street Bathhouse, which is now used as the James Michael Curley Community Center. There is also the nearby K Street Bathhouse.
To visit the L and K Street Bathhouse buildings, ride bus route 11 and get off at L Street. Then walk down to the bay.

"This Art Deco structure is credited to Boston Mayor James Michael Curley (1874-1958). Dedicated to the working class, Curley dominated Boston politics for years, focusing on issues of public health, housing, and recreation. In 1931 Curley replaced an earlier structure with this facility, which boasted many amenities in spite of the Depression. Now known as the Curley Community Center, the bathhouse, long home of the famous L Street Brownies, continues a long tradition of recreation and community."

L Street Bathhouse

K Street Bathhouse

To learn more about the L Street Bathhouse: