
Dole Family Home

Place: Dole Family Home
Address: 14 Roanoke Avenue
Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

On April 13, 2012 and November 5, 2013, I went to the Dole Family Home. To visit, ride the Orange Line to Green Street and walk a bit to Roanoke Avenue.

"The Rev. Charles Fletcher Dole (1845-1927) served for more than forty years as pastor of the First Unitarian Church in Jamaica Plain. His work for peace and free speech influenced Nobel Peace Prize winner Emily Balch. His son, James Drummond Dole (1877-1958), studied agriculture at Harvard's Bussey Institute (now the Arnold Arboretum). He traveled to the Sandwich Islands in 1901, where he is credited with establishing the Hawaiian pineapple industry."

To learn more about the Dole Family Home: