
Dorchester South Burying Ground

Place: Dorchester South Burying Ground
Address: Dorchester Avenue (between Gallivan Boulevard and Vaile Road)
Neighborhood: Dorchester

On November 16, 2012, I walked along the Ashmont-Mattapan High Speed Line. Looking around Ashmont and Cedar Grove, I came upon the historic Dorchester South Burying Ground.
To visit the Dorchester South Burying Ground, the easiest way is to ride the Red Line to Ashmont and walk down a bit on Dorchester Avenue.

"Established in 1814 to relieve overcrowding in Dorchester North Burying Ground, this site illustrates the development of the community and rural cemetery movement. In the 1830s, Samuel Downer and newly-formed Massachusetts Horticultural Society advised the town on the park-like layout and ornamentation of the burying ground. The markers and monuments exhibit a wide range of styles and materials, which serve as an archive of the outdoor sculptural movement that flourished in the early 19th century."

To learn more about the Dorchester South Burying Ground: