
Emily Green Balch House Site

Place: Emily Green Balch House Site
Address: 130 Prince Street
Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Walking out to Jamaica Pond on October 28, 2013, I found the site of the house of Emily Green Blach. This location is also a part of the Boston Women's Heritage Trail.
To visit, ride bus route 38 and get off around the Jamaicaway.

"The home of Emily Greene Balch (1867-1961) stood at this site. She shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for her service on behalf of world peace and women's suffrage, the first Bostonian to achieve that honor. She founded Denison House, a settlement house for women, in the South End, and also started, with Jane Addams, the Women's International League for Peace."

To learn more about Emily Green Balch: