
Lucy Stone House Site

Place: Lucy Stone House Site
Address: 45 Boutwell Street
Neighborhood: Dorchester

On November 5, 2014, I visited the Pope's Hill and Neponset areas of Dorchester. Located here is the site of the home of Lucy Stone. She was an important abolitionist and women's suffrage figure from Dorchester.
To visit the Lucy Stone House Site, ride bus route 201, 202 or 210 to the area of Neponset Avenue and Boutwell Street.

"Women's rights advocate Lucy Stone (1818-1893) and her husband, reformer Henry Blackwell, moved to a home on this site in 1869. After earning a college degree (the first Bay State woman to do so), Stone began working to end slavery. Angry that women were segregated at abolition meetings, she helped organize a convention for women's rights in Worcester in 1850. As editor of The Women's Journal, Stone became the leading voice of the woman's suffrage cause in New England. She died at her Pope's Hill home in 1893, never seeing women gain the vote. The house was demolished in 1971."

To learn more about Lucy Stone: