
Maud Cuney Hare House

Place: Maud Cuney Hare House
Address: 43 Sheridan Street
Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Continuing my inspection of Jamaica Plain on October 25, 2013, walked up to Hyde Square. Tucked away on a small street is the house of Maud Cuney Hare. This location is also a part of the Boston Women's Heritage Trail. To visit, ride bus route 39 or 41 to Hyde Square and walk a bit on Sheridan Street.

"Maud Cuney Hare, a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music and the foremost historian of black music of her time, lived here from 1904 until 1934. Hare's most notable achievement was Negro Musicians and Their Music, a comprehensive survey of black music published in 1936; she also authored Creole Songs and served as book editor for the NAACP magazine, Crisis. A well-known folklorist, Hare traveled internationally and collected musical instruments and songs for her work in musicology."

To learn more about Maud Cuney Hare: