

Place: Abbotsford
Address: 300 Walnut Avenue
Neighborhood: Roxbury

On November 20, 2013, I explored Fort Hill and Roxbury Highlands. Walking down Washington Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard and further down onto Walnut Avenue, I found the Abbotsford mansion.
To visit Abbotsford, ride bus route 22, 29, 42 or 44 to Egleston Square and walk along Walnut Avenue.

"Built in 1872 for prominent industrialist Aaron Davis Williams Jr., Abbotsford was designed of Roxbury puddingstone by Boston architect Alden Frink. The structure, originally named Oak Bend, is a rare example of a Victorian Gothic-style villa in Boston and a reminder of Roxbury's 19th century prosperity. The home was once part of an estate known for its apple orchards; it later served as a school for delinquent boys. It was purchased in 1976 by the National Center of Afro-American artists and renovated for use as a museum dedicated to the collection and exhibition of the black visual arts heritage worldwide."

To learn more about Abbotsford and the Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Artists: