
Blue Hill Avenue Synagogue

Place: Blue Hill Avenue Synagogue
Address: 397 Blue Hill Avenue
Neighborhood: Roxbury

On November 21, 2013, I visited Grove Hall, the northern border of Roxbury and Dorchester. Walking up Blue Hill Avenue, I came upon a structure that was once Congregation Adath Jeshurun. Presently, it is used as the First Haitian Baptist Church.
To visit the Blue Hill Avenue Synagogue, ride any bus that goes to Grove Hall. Bus route 45 runs along this segment of Blue Hill Avenue and can take you directly in front of the synagogue. 

"Designed by architect Frederick Norcross and built in 1905, the Blue Hill Avenue Synagogue illustrates both the early Jewish presence in Roxbury and the changing demographics of the area. Financed by the Adath Jeshurun congregation, it was erected at a center of Jewish activity in early 20th century Boston. In 1967, with Roxbury no longer the focal point of the Jewish community, the temple was sold to Ecclesia Apostolic. The First Haitian Baptist Church purchased the Late Romanesque Revival building in 1978 and restored it to its present state."

To learn more about the Blue Hill Avenue Synagogue: