
Cedar Street Marble Row Houses

Place: Cedar Street Marble Row Houses
Address: 28-40 Cedar Street
Neighborhood: Roxbury

Walking deeper into the Fort Hill area of Roxbury on November 19, 2013, I found the Marble Row Houses on Cedar Street.
To visit the Cedar Street Marble Row Houses, ride bus route 42 along Washington Street to Cedar Street.

"This marble-clad block is an elaborate example of Second Empire Style row house design, a French style popular at the time of Roxbury’s annexation to Boston in 1868. Built by George D. Cox in 1871, the row houses were an attempt to attract other speculative developers to Roxbury Highlands by creating the base for a stylish, middle class urban square. In 1983 Historic Boston Incorporated provided financial and technical support to Urban Edge, which developed the dilapidated houses in order to provide affordable home ownership opportunities."

To learn more about the Cedar Street Marble Row Houses: