
Old Corner Bookstore

Place: Old Corner Bookstore
Address: 281-3 Washington Street
Neighborhood: Downtown

Another very important landmark that I took pictures of in Downtown on December 12, 2012 was the Old Corner Bookstore. This charming little building is located at the intersection of Washington Street and School Street. I had to wait a while be able to get this shot with nobody in the scene, as there is always a lot of people walking in Downtown!
To visit the Old Corner Bookstore, ride the Orange Line or Blue Line to State Street.

"Thomas Crease built this structure as his apothecary and residence shortly after the great fire of 1711 destroyed Anne Hutchinson's house on this site. Timothy Carter opened the Old Corner Bookstore here in 1829. Between 1845 and 1865, the booksellers Ticknor and Fields inhabited the building as the publishers of Hawthorne, Longfellow, Stowe, Emerson, Thoreau and other prominent American and British authors, who often gathered here. In 1960, civic leaders raised money and established Historic Boston, Inc., to acquire and preserve this site."

To learn more about the Old Corner Bookstore: