
Bunker Hill Burying Ground

Place: Bunker Hill Burying Ground
Address: Bunker Hill Street (Between Polk Street and Elm Street)
Neighborhood: Charlestown

Inspecting Charlestown on June 26, 2012, I walked up from Main Street to Bunker Hill Street... and found the Bunker Hill Burying Ground!
To visit the Bunker Hill Burying Ground, ride bus route 93 along Bunker Hill Street.

"Established in 1810, this is Charlestown's second oldest burying ground, and the site of the left wing of Colonial forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. A monument marks the location of the Rail Fence and Stone Wall fortified by the colonists. In a defensive line that extended to the Mystic River, men from Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire repelled superior British forces during the first assault and covered the retreat of American defenders from the redoubt. Some family plots in the burying ground contain cornerstones designed in the shape of the Bunker Hill Monument, the 221-foot obelisk dedicated in 1843."

To learn more about the Bunker Hill Burying Ground: