
Charlestown Heights

Place: Charlestown Heights
Address: Bunker Hill Street at Saint Martin Street
Neighborhood: Charlestown

Walking up Bunker Hill Street on June 26, 2012, I arrived at the apex of the neighborhood... Charlestown Heights!
To visit Charlestown Heights, ride bus route 93 along Bunker Hill Street.

"Designed in 1891 by the firm of America's foremost park planner and landscape architect, Frederick Law Olmsted, this playground is one of the best surviving examples of the neighborhood parks in Boston's original system. Olmsted divided the park into three sections; the upper park provided shady respite, the central play area featured open lawns, and the overlook offered sweeping views of the Mystic River. Olmsted included his signature meandering pathways, granite stairways and Roxbury "puddingstone" boulders. In 1942, the playground was renamed to honor Ensign John J. Doherty."

To learn more about Charlestown Heights: