
Edward Everett House

Place: Edward Everett House
Address: 16 Harvard Street
Neighborhood: Charlestown

On June 26, 2012, I inspected Charlestown, starting at the Edward Everett House. Edward Everett was an important figure from Boston. There is an area in Dorchester named for him - Edward Everett Square, originally called Five Corners. The City of Everett, formerly part of Charlestown and Malden, is also named after him. 
To visit the Edward Everett House, ride bus route 92 or 93 to City Square. Walk up to John Harvard Square (not the one in Cambridge!) and Harvard Street.

"This outstanding example of urban Federal style architecture was constructed in 1814 by Matthew Bridge (1750-1814), a prosperous merchant who was integral to the reconstruction and civic development of post-Revolutionary War Charlestown. It was the home of the distinguished scholar, orator, and statesman Edward Everett (1794-1865) during his congressional and gubernatorial career and later the home of William Carleton, Boston inventor and founder of Carleton College in Minnesota."

To learn more about the Edward Everett House: