
Deacon Larkin House

Place: Deacon Larkin House
Address: 55 Main Street
Neighborhood: Charlestown

As I visited Charlestown on June 26, 2012, I came upon the Deacon Larkin House. It was Larkin who assisted Paul Revere on the evening of April 18, 1775 by lending him his horse to ride to Lexington and Concord.
To visit the Deacon Larkin House, ride bus route 92 on Main Street or Warren Street between City Square and Thompson Square. Or walk along the Freedom Trail and follow all the tourists.

"This 1790s Georgian residence was built for Deacon John Larkin, a patriot best remembered for his role in Paul Revere's legendary midnight ride. It was Larkin's horse that carried Revere out to Lexington and Concord to warn the Committee of Safety of the approaching British troops. Larkin's original house stood in nearby City Square. Along with the rest of Charlestown, it was destroyed during the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. This clapboard-sided house with a low third floor and quoin-embellished corners is a rare survivor from Charlestown's post-Revolutionary era of construction."

To learn more about the Deacon Larkin House: