
John Hurd House

Place: John Hurd House
Address: 69-71 Main Street
Neighborhood: Charlestown

Walking along Main Street in Charlestown on June 26, 2012, I arrived at the John Hurd House.
To visit the John Hurd House, ride bus route 92 on Main Street or Warren Street to Monument Avenue.

"Constructed in 1792, the Hurd House is in the Georgian style though built during the Federal Period. Serving as the residence of the John Hurd family for its first century, the ground floor became commercial around 1872. Two salient features marked the house for the better part of the 20th century: the elevated transit line hid its architecture, and the Donovan and Fallon pharmacy thrived on its corner. In 1981 Historic Boston Incorporated purchased the house, reinforced it, restored the exterior, and sold it with preservation restrictions to local businessmen."