
Loring-Greenough House

Place: Loring-Greenough House
Address: 12 South Street
Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Spending another day in Jamaica Plain on October 28, 2013, I visited the Loring-Greenough House. This is a very important mansion in the neighborhood. To visit the Loring-Greenough House, ride bus route 38, 39 or 41 to Jamaica Plain Center. 

"Home to five generations of the prominent Greenough family, this fine mid-Georgian mansion was originally built in 1760 for Joshua Loring, a wealthy officer of the British Navy. During the American Revolution, the house was confiscated by Continental forces. It served as headquarters for Gen. Nathaniel Greene and then as a hospital. Loring and his family were among the British to evacuate Boston in 1776. The Loring-Greenough House is the last of the many country estates maintained in Jamaica Plain in the 18th century. In 1924, the house was rescued by the Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club."

To learn more about the Loring-Greenough House: