
Edward Everett Hale House

Place: Edward Everett Hale House
Address: 12 Morley Street
Neighborhood: Roxbury

There are many notable houses in Roxbury Highlands. Walking around the area on November 19, 2013, I found the Edward Everett Hale House.
To visit, ride any bus route to John Eliot Square or the area near Malcolm X Boulevard and walk down.

"This Greek Revival residence was the home of Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) for forty years. A Unitarian clergyman and well-known humanitarian reformer, Hale was also the author of The Man Without a Country, as well as other popular novels. The house was built on Highland Street in 1841 during Roxbury's early period of suburban growth, and was moved to this location between 1899 and 1906. Historic Boston Incorporated restored the exterior from 1985 to 1992 with funds from the Boston Redevelopment Authority."

To learn more about the Edward Everett Hale House: