
William Lloyd Garrison House

Place: William Lloyd Garrison House
Address: 125 Highland Street
Neighborhood: Roxbury

Continuing my walk in Roxbury Highlands on November 19, 2013, I came upon another important house... the William Lloyd Garrison House.
To visit, you can walk from Columbus Avenue, Washington Street, or from John Eliot Square.

"This Greek Revival residence was the home of William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879), leader of the anti-slavery cause in Boston and fiery editor of the uncompromising abolition journal The Liberator. Deeply influenced by charismatic black leader David Walker (1785-1830), Garrison fought all his life for not only the end of slavery but for equal rights participation and integration of African-American citizens. The house, called Rockledge, was built in the 1840's, during Roxbury's early period of suburban growth. After seeing emancipation achieved, Garrison and his wife retired to his mansion in 1864."

To learn more about the William Lloyd Garrison House: