
Spooner-Lambert House

Place: Spooner-Lambert House
Address: 64 Bartlett Street
Neighborhood: Roxbury

Continuing my inspection of John Eliot Square on November 19, 2013, I found another mansion... the Spooner-Lambert House.
To visit the Spooner-Lambert House, ride bus route 14 or 41 to John Eliot Square. Or walk from Malcolm X Boulevard or Dudley Street.

"Built in 1782 for Major John Jones Spooner, first commander of the Roxbury Artillery, this Georgian structure has served as a private residence, a home for elderly women, and an apartment house. Boston merchant Capt. William Lambert bought the house in 1788, added Federal details and landscaped the grounds. The physical characteristics of the building were altered with each change in ownership, reflecting Roxbury's three centuries of growth. Historic Boston Incorporated saved and rehabilitated the house in 1992."

To learn more about the Spooner-Lambert House: